Keywords: R, GIS, DataViz, Geospatial, Spatio-temporal

Learning objectives

To provide a comprehensive overview of all the options for visualizing geospatial and spatiotemporal data using R. Students will be able to visualize spatial data using various visualization options available in R such as base plotting, ggplot2, leaflet, plotly, highchartr etc. Students will gain knowledge required to perform exploratory data analysis (EDA) on spatial data and also produce production quality plots suitable for publishing in print and online media.

Justification for running the tutorial at useR! 2017

There are plethora of options available in R when it comes to visualizing spatial data, but no unified or structured learning path that covers all the major options. The CRAN Task View of Spatial Analysis provides a list of options available but nothing more than that. It would be equally beneficial to newcomers and experienced R/GIS users to get such a comprehensive tutorial.

Description of the tutorial

This will be a hands on tutorial that will start with plotting spatial data using base plotting and ggplot2. It will then cover interactive visualizations using leaflet, plotly, and highchartr and some other htmlwidgets. The tutorial will go over integrating data visualizations into print and online media using R Markdown. Finally we will go over embedding interactive data visualizations in Shiny apps.

Outline of the tutorial content


Potential attendees


Bhaskar V. Karambelkar

Information Security Data Scientist and GIS enthusiast.

Contributed extensively to R leaflet package and developed other packages for geospatial data visualizations in R (leaflet.extras, tilegrams, colormap, leaflet.esri).


